Thursday 2 August 2012

465 - Happy birthday Sheldon

Day 465 was Sheldon's 48th birthday. I awoke to a rainy day and quietly left for work to let the birthday boy sleep in. He enjoyed a relaxing morning on the internet and rousting girls to meet Kaylin and I for lunch. I picked her up just after 12 and to the Station we went to celebrate the birthday boy's big day. It rained all morning and part of afternoon bringing in 1/2" and had a high of around 12 degrees.
 birthday burger
 then a wee surprise from his daughters

and red velvet cake to top it off

It was about 1:20 when we finished up and I dropped Kaylin back home and went to the garage where Britt and Sheldon were waiting after dropping the truck off to be worked on tomorrow. It seems the fan clutch does not kick in and this caused the over heating issues I had when trailering the horses on the camp trip. Then we ran errands to UFA for bug powder, Totem to look at garage rock, Wal-Mart & Shoppers to grab beauty items. Then it was time to head home at 2:30 to meet guests. Ma and Pa Kuhn along with GG Grandma arrived at 3 from the Hat to join us to celebrate as well. We started a cozy fire and enjoyed visiting. Shaina had to leave for work for 4-9 at Target but got in a quick visit. Kaylin came out just after 5. Britt headed to town to the heritage days concert with Olsens at 6:30 too. The sun finally popped out making for a nice evening.

Grandma enjoyed seeing out new place as this was her first time. They loaded up and headed back to the hat at 8 pm as did Kaylin. Sheldon and I (also updating the blog) relaxed with the fire and Olympics waiting for the fireworks at 11. It was another great display. Just after the coyotes started so Mr Hatfield headed out with his shot gun to try and scare them off. Clearly it only caused the horses to bolt and D to cringe as he hates gunshot. Shaina stayed at Kaylin's since she went to wing night after work. Britt got home from the concert by midnight!

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