Wednesday 29 August 2012

492 - Vet 2 week checkup

Day 492 is the last day of Britt's summer vacation.It did rain early in the morning starting the day fresh and clean. She enjoyed a sleep in till 10 then got up and fed and hosed horses, played with her kitties and watched TV and relaxed. Shaina was off to babysit Asher for 9:30. I was up and at work by 8:30, amazing I know for my summer hours. Today was celebrate Coreena's birthday so we enjoyed a tea to get us going and got our work done then off to Boston Pizza to celebrate over lunch.

Just after 1 I raced to the ranch. The vets were coming out to remove stitches and do Julio's teeth at 2. Britt was cooking perogies, her new stand by meal. She also watched Asher while Shaina put on a hair mask then waited before washing off. Shaina and Asher were at the ranch going to watch the vet process but during that time Kaylin got the call her new vehicle was ready so her and friend came out loaded into Shaina's car and off they went. Shaina took Asher back home then worked at the golf course from 7-close. She stayed in at Kaylin's as she works the golf course tomorrow morning at 7 AM till 2 then target 4-9.
Britt helped catch horses and wrangle cats while I assisted the vet and tech and took photos. They were again impressed with the progress chalking it up to great care and attention. These accolades are all on Britt as she has spent many hours hosing, feeding, picking, applying creams and cleaning wounds. Great job Britt!!

Vet Julie was done by 3 and off to next patient so Britt and I got KD and Daisy and rode. While out conditioning we could see a horse in a mud puddle. Sharon was stopping to see the wound updates and happened to come upon this site too. As we loped closer we saw it was Julio, rolling in the mud puddle. Porky was going old mustang I think to rid the flies.. what a funny site. After Sharon had a quick look she was off and so were Britt and I riding for another hour.
vet Julie cutting the flap of dried skin
and here it is
Julio healing up well
getting sedation
Britt training cats.. to do what I'm not sure
and the dental work begins

Britt and Bird just walking
here is the mud puddle boy!

By now it was 4:30 and coming thru the gate at the same time as Sheldon coming home from work. He went in an napped while Britt hosed Pepper and I started trimming Daisy's front feet. But supper was on my mind so in the house I went and started supper. As it was cooking I started to water the front planter leaving it on each one for a bit. The spirea are really leafing out and trying to recover.
 Kaylin's and her new wheels

A quick supper of fish rice and sweet potato and I was back out watering planters and garden. Sheldon came out and installed the drip line in the planters. I harvested more zucchini and Britt made food and walked out to get Julio and Bird who were grazing in the hay field. She gave them both a good hosing then headed inside at 8 to get ready for back to school. Sheldon worked on watering trees too. Some are pushing leaves and trying, others seem to be still in shock.
drip line in place
 2 different settings for 2 different colored skies.. so pretty the sunsets are
 and take a look at this odd zucchini in my daily harvest

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