Tuesday 14 August 2012

477 - Day of destruction August 14th

Day 477 started like any day, it was back to work for me so off I went. I recall looking at the island and thinking how pretty the spirea were in bloom and how nice all the plants were coming along. I fed Diego and saw Sheldon had opened the kitty door too. It was a beautiful morning.

I left work at 11 to run to the bank and to fill the car before our journey to Dr Dave. Shaina was kind enough (OK I  paid her) to drive Britt in to town and meet me at the gas station. It also cost me lunch at McDonald's for everyone too. Then it was time (11:30) Britt and I headed east switching drivers as we each ate. Shaina headed to the gym to work out and then was heading home to do chores, roach manes and condition ponies before going to work at slated 5:30.
 the big roll over to 100,000 kms just at Drum corner on Hwy 9

At just around 1:30 , Dr Robin fixed my chipped tooth and shot me with ozone while Britt had a cleaning and the insertion of her newly replaced retainers. She went from super excited to get them to Oh My, they hurt quite quick. We were done by 2:20 but were delayed waiting to see in dental insurance would pay for any of the replacement retainers so did not get away until 3. Of course we stopped quick to grab a beverage and bag of chips.
Britt was driving and once again a storm was brewing. Sheldon text it looked like it was storming north and soon after said it had hit raining hard. Shaina had text she was caught in the rain riding KD and ponying Julio but untacked and let them out in the pasture. She ran to the house just before the hail unleashed. She took video in the house of the complete white out outside and the loud storm. Once it was over she looked out to see the destruction, the shed in particular and grabbed my camera to get a shot. It was during this photo she saw the horse in the pasture going down. She made a panicked call to me and was cut off. I called her back to learn yes the horses were cut and Bird was missing as were the kitties. I quickly called Sheldon to leave work and rush home as well as Sharon who ran from work too. Another call to her confirmed the vet was needed. I called them and had them dispatched ASAP. I switched of Britt driving so we could make some time. This in itself was not the best idea as I was traveling far faster than the speed limit while trying to keep in contact via my phone with those near the ranch to see progress. It was a torturous feeling not being able to be there and help and know what was happening.
 the first look at bird's cute
 Dr Julie stitching up Julio's leg
 Bird drained after getting all her stitches just resting on Britt's shoulder
 then they bandaged Bird up best they could

During one of the calls Sheldon ended up losing his phone in the 6 inches of water they were in getting horses to the horse trailer. Darren did call to update us that Bird was found and Julio was up and KD too was in the line of care. At about 4:30 we raced into the yard to find them just starting to stitch up Bird, she was tore up really good cutting thru the muscle in her front left leg and so many other places. She stood like a soldier with her head on Sharon's, then mine then Britt's shoulder while the vet stitched her up unsedated. Next Julio, who was in our trailer with KD) was stitched up. He was not so patient even with sedation. Poor KD was so swollen she looked like a popcorn ball and her eyes were swollen shut. Julio had one eye shut and the other half. It was such a sad sight. Diego was very attentive trying to be sure all was in order. It was organized mayhem of people working on horses.
this is the photo right after the storm that Shaina took, she then noticed the horses go down and this caused her to run out and find the injuries.

Backing up, details were Shaina found KD down but she managed to get her up as Julio went down. His eyes were closed and he was bleeding badly and not responding to Shaina, This intensified the panic. She tried to get KD to the shelter but she would not leave Ju. Eventually KD went to the shelter as Shaina attended to Julio. When Sheldon and Daren got home they managed to help her get him up and walk to the trailer as well as KD. They then worked on loading those 2 in the trailer. Sharon had run home to get rubber boots and supplies before coming and saw Bird in the field, She walked out to her, haltered her and walked her slowly and painfully back to our place with Bird tucking her head on her should and Diego escorted them back. She had yelled for Sheldon to cut the fence but he only had to cut the 2 bottom wires. They had blankets on them and had staunched bleeding too. It was a good functioning group and vet Julie and her assistant Kris were well under way working on them.

Now that we arrived Britt went to check the others. She brought Beck over as she had cuts around her lower legs. Kris gave her medication, cleaned them and wrapped he major cut too. Pepper was the only injury int he fat pen having a swollen eye from a hail stone. It seems they stayed hunkered down in their shelter. Shaina had seen the skinnies in theirs after she let them out but in the white out assumed they were still there. It seems that some part of the storm caused them to panic and push thru the only barb wire in any of the paddocks (the south side in the direction away form the pounding hail). Bird looked like a cougar had shred her up. She of course being the fastest would have been right out front and the injuries followed in order of speed.

Darren and Sharon ran and got their horse trailer for infirmary #2. Bird and Beck were loaded in there. Once all were stitched up and all medications administered the vets headed to the next emergency. The phones were ringing off the vets hook with horses emergencies when I called. We all came into the house for a hot beverage as feet and bodies were froze. I think this was about 6. They headed home and we went out to survey the damage and try and find the still missing kitties. During the whole vet work, people took turns looking for them under buildings and in the bales. Shaina finally headed to work after calling to delay her start time. She was then planning to stay in at Jenna's as she babysits Asher tomorrow.
 the hail at 8 pm
 the barbeque in its resting spot
 and the whole it put in the door
 the trees just blasted
thru the bark

We only then realized the complete destruction the storm caused. Our trees were shredded of all leaves and many esp the little ones were split to the core with bark peeled right off. This included the evergreens too. All my shrubs were turned to small sticks, all except one little flowering plum and the top grafted lilac which just days before I said, "If this little tree lives thru all this wind and dryness!" By golly, she did. Hooray, that was a hard feat. From the driven NE hail, my garden was spared most everything but some minimal damage to leaves and some tomatoes. The yard light was shattered, even the photo eye. The trampoline ended up in a pile in front of the south bale stack pieces strewn everywhere. The travel trailer was blown off it blocks and the exposed tin pummeled and all vents smashed with water soaked into the beds. The horses trailer was stoned too even on the stainless steel front. The garden shed (originally what got Shaina's attention) was blown 8 feet south off its base and looked like it was polka dotted with chaos shingles. The barbeque was tossed off the deck in shambles and went thru the garage door. The gas line was spewing gas everywhere when Sheldon and Darren got home. Thankfully they got the line off and the gas shut before an explosion. The rain gauges were all smashed and ripped off the fences including the new LED remote one. The digital thermometer had the cords ripped off, the heavy bistro set had chairs thrown from the deck as well. The entire hay field looked as if it had been mowed to the shortest level possible. (Britt was recruited to swath tomorrow :-( ) All fascia, drip trim and downspouts were hammered too.
 barbeque cover shred on the south fence
 the hay crop ..gone
 this was under a feed tub.. what it looked like in the mowed areas
 travel trailer blown off the blocks
 and the lower tin dimpled
 all the vents smashed with rain coming in
 the horse trailer vent too, everything soaked
 the fence they went thru
 the trampoline
 Sheldon covers vents later in the evening

 hail around the sheds still later on
 trees and shrubs.. all gone

 looks like a nuclear bomb went off

 the high pressure sodium light.. gone

Sheldon and Britt got the quads out to go look in the south field next to us for the kitties and found our large green rain barrel and horse buckets but no kitties. I cleaned up the strewn all over first aid supplies and rags Shaina had got for blood control. I snapped photos everywhere of things gone bad. I also looked again in the bales and under buildings as did Britt. As I was heading out to check the horses again I saw Mitzy scamper across by the house while I heard Britt screaming to come. She thought she heard them and was thrilled to see Mitz. I took her to the safety of the garage and headed back out. Britt was sure she heard a kitty under the garden shed so I called Sheldon out again who was changing socks to grab the skid steer and lift it. Just as I went to the horses Mr Jenkins came out from behind the bales stretching and a wee bit shaken. Ok they both were vibrating but so happy to see us. This was around 8..4 hours later even after everyone calling and looking. They obviously hunkered down in the middle of the bales to ride out the storm.
 side view of Birdy in the trailer
 front view
 her welted right side
 close up on neck
 close up left belly
 close up left hind
 poor blind KD welted up
 and her bumps
 Julio front leg cuts
 better view of just how KD skin was
 close up of Julio's left front stitches
 our blind girl, she just nuzzled Ju always to find where he was
 close up of the house trim
 and yet more trees, this is our $500 white lilac, not looking good
 the size of the hail hours later
and the new slough it created in 15 minutes

Dr Julie stopped out with Uniprim, an antibiotic for Beck and KD and reported that Dr. Rand, her husband had to put a horse down at another call. We did feel grateful we had the status we did even as bad as it was. But the kitties were found, all horses were standing and we were all safe. Even after the harried drive home. At 9 I unloaded the horses and we put Beck and KD back out in their pasture. Now the hard part, getting Bird back in a trailer after feeling the stress on her legs getting out. She was not to keen to load into our with Julio after an attempt that proved painful. We took Ju out and loaded him in Stouts. But she was finished with this and tried a few times but was sure it would really hurt. The rains were intermittent throughout the whole ordeal but picked up good at this time. The fear of the driving rain and with our encouragement she leapt into the trailer. Soon after Britt made up some food for them which they hungrily hoovered down.

Back at the house I cooked up burgers and left overs while Sheldon and Britt took them water for the night. Intermittently I posted photos of the destruction online. There was an outpouring of support and well wishes. Supper was meager but needed around 10 and then we all tried to get some rest. It was a fitful sleep for all as the days events replayed on a loop.

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