Sunday 5 August 2012

468 - running with bulls day 2

Day 468 was another fantastic day, not a cloud in the sky. At 9 we got the day underway. Sheldon started to deliver bales after having coffee and breakfast while I let out the cats and the horses into the quarantined pasture. The deck plants and garden required watering as the weather even though we had recent rain is HOT! Tomorrow we leave for BC so hope Kaylin can be sure to water them at least once while we are gone.
I forced Britt out of bed after 11 so she could start packing, play with her kitties and fill their food containers and get ready to head to the rodeo.Sheldon was back just after 12 and After a bit more preparing for the trip we headed in around 1:30 to enjoy the afternoon in the sun watching rodeo then the running of the bulls day 2.  Shaina even managed to get over for part of the bull riding before going to work. It was not quite as exciting as night 1 but still fun. Once the boys cleaned up the panels we headed to Paetz's for the new favorite- barbque pizza and beer. About 10, we picked Britt up from the rodeo grounds and headed home. Shaina arrived home just after but quickly jumped in with friends to head to another party till 2 am.
 bridleless riding show
 seat with a view
 to watch the running with the bulls

1 comment:

  1. why didnt dad wear his pink shirt??

