Thursday 23 August 2012

486 - planters filled and AJ Bday!!

Day 486 was another great 25 degree day. It is Amanda's 27th birthday!! YEAH!! Happy Birthday little Sis! Shaina was up and off to work before me even, today she works 3 of her 4 jobs (9-1 at golf course, 2-4 target and 5- close at station) I had a busy day at work and left just before 1. I dropped stuff quickly at Kaylin's then stopped for a quick visit and drop a present off for Amanda before heading to Canadian Tire to purchase insurance items. I got the barbeque in but no room for the patio table so Sheldon and Darren picked that  up after work. I also had to fill my car with gas as I was running on fumes, $91 to fill, highest ever I have paid!! UGH

I was back at the ranch after 2. Britt was enjoying TV and had spent the morning doing what I am not sure but she did medicate and hose horses. She is doing a fabulous job on that and I am so happy she is not in school and can cover that part of the work load. I cleaned my car after grabbing a quick lunch then watered my garden while she rode Pepper. He has cuts on him too now.. what the heck? She did a perimeter ride and fund an area she thought might be the issue. I also moved some perennials to holes in the raised garden I know had after clearing out some plants and dug up the  ones to go in the front planter. Matt had picked up 3 more jumbo bags of soil. Hurray, I am so excited.
 hosing Pepper after finding cuts
 my soil!!! thanks Matt!!!
 the cuts on P
 after a warm up it is barrel practice

 Jenkins laying claim to the dead muse Mitzy left from last night
I just noticed our color choices in pets.. 2 gingers 2 blacks, one of each!

When Sheldon got home from work and unloading the table, he took the quad to check. He found it seemed not to bad so not sure still where they are getting into wire. Once back at the house we had a cold beer before undertaking the planter fill. Then it was time to dump this bags and get planting. In the end they looked great, now just to get them rootd in for fall.
 directing the skid steer driver
 and dumping in

 then rake

dirt ready to plant

 my planned planting set up, I have waited so long to get this set up, peonies in the spring!
At 7, I ran in and made Sheldon a yummy bacon, avocado, cucumber and tomato sandwich on rye with veggies on the side for supper.Britt went out to hose and doctor the ponies just as the wind picked up and temperatures started to drop. Perhaps we might get the forecasted rain tonight. A fellow came just before 8 to discuss plans for a shed and spent 2 hours drawing up our plan and ideas. The initial quote may have us rethinking our plans :-)

 brrr.. cold wind blows in but she keeps scrubbing
Not sure when Shaina got home as all asleep. :-)

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