Wednesday 31 October 2012

555 - Happy Halloween!! closets go in

Day 555 is October 31, Happy Halloween everyone! This is the first year in 23 years we have not had a carved pumpkin and fresh pumpkin seeds and 22 since we had a wee one dressed up in costume so Lexi will have to count.

It is also closet shelves going in spare closet and girls basement bathroom. Kwik Kloset Stew arrived at 8 to start and was done after lunch. Lexi came to work and was the hit as usual. I picked up Kaylin's plants from her place and she had her walk thru and cleaning to do until 11:30 when she picked her up and headed to the ranch.
 my office mascot.. she likes Tims too..a t least the cups!

I had a meeting at work that took me thru till 2, then I stopped quick at bank, UFA and to get more beer before heading home. Back at the ranch I checked out the new shelves I started to reload the spare room closet.

  As well as build the last chrome shelving unit
Shaina was ready and off to work for 4, Kaylin got showered and ready for work at 5. Britt worked after school till 7:30 then went to Brooke's and made candy apples! Shaina gave her a ride home after she was done work at ten.

Sheldon was late getting home from work after 5, he took a bale out for the horses. I made supper and we ate late at 6:30, then he was off to meet the new tenants to do paperwork at Tims for 7. The Fog rolled in again making for a spooky and chilly Halloween night.

As I was cleaning while Lexi was sleeping there was a knock at the door and it was none other than Minnie Mouse!

 tired puppy!
Kaylin did not get home till 1:45, getting up with the puppy is going to be a challenge :-0

Tuesday 30 October 2012

554 - moving out day for Kaylin

Day 554 started with another beautiful sunrise!
 above out front door and below thru tub window
Then Britt, Lexi and I were off to town. After dropping B at school Lexi and I went thru Tims drive thru getting tea for a cold day and headed to work. Kaylin picked her up about 9:45 on her way to watch Asher for perhaps the last day. Today after work it was pack up their apartment day for Kaylin and Aaron.

I watched Asher for her at noon for a bit while she ran to the apartment then took Lexi home. Shaina finally got up after 1 and got ready to go to work for two. She called me throwing up soon after getting to work. Looks like many late nights have caused her to catch a bug. She was back home by 3 to continue her illness and rest. As I was folding laundry I found that Shaina's help may have wrecked 2 of my sweaters.. one new crocheted one may fit Britt and the angora wool one below.. well it might become a pillow!

I did computer work and such, below is my knee warmer
Sheldon drove the truck and trailer to work and covered the floor in cardboard. After work he went to Kaylin's apartment and he and Aaron along with Aaron's dad and uncle packed the trailer full of their stuff. At 7:30 they stopped out here to unload a few things then Aaron went back to help Kaylin clean.

Kaylin did not get here until 11:30, about the time I remembered the closet was not cleaned out for the install tomorrow!! so I removed everything and she visited with Lexi, by 12:30 we both headed to bed.

Monday 29 October 2012

553 - another foggy day in the neighborhood

Day 553 started early and foggy. Little Miss Lexi was up with Britt at 6:45 as she got ready to get on the bus. The fog was thick as pea soup and stayed the entire day and night. Britt headed out on the bus and Lexi and I slept for a bit longer then were up for the day to do laundry and cleaning. Of course I lit a fire too. I also put soup bones on to simmer for the day and will make soup for supper.
today's target.. toilet paper!!

Shaina arrived home from her sleepover at 1, ate showered and then her and I went out to worm the horses being it is the full moon. It was easy doing the first 7 but Beck proved a challenge taking us on a long chase before I finally caught her. By now it was close to 4 so Shaina went in to prepare for her first shift at her new job at the Roadhouse. Saturday for Halloween party was her last Station shift. I took out a new lick it and replaced the salt and minerals in both shelters before I  came in. It felt and smelt like a ski lodge in the thick fog and fire burning.

Britt even had a nap after getting home off the bus, I had to roust her for supper! Sheldon worked on sorting stuff into his new shelves after he got home from work. After supper we watched 3 episodes of Nashville. Once home from work at 11 Shaina turned around and went hot tubbing till 1:30 am.
tuckered out puppy napping while we watch TV, she is a great movie dog!

Sunday 28 October 2012

552 - the fog lifts late in the day

Day 552 had me up even earlier. Lexi slept in our room in the middle of the bed in her kennel but was up at 5 am with her respiratory ailments. Water and a walk and to much energy had me put her in the play area at 5:30 and she slept till 7:30 when I had to go play and feed her then we both went back to sleep till 9! Once up I made tea, lit a fire as the fog was still socked in thick as soup and todays game was drag and tug behind on the housecoat belt.

At 10:30 we woke up Sheldon, OK he was awake but she made sure :-) He read his book by the fire after having breakfast while I sorted out my Scentsy order. The sleepover girls were up just before the two were picked up just before noon. We finished the Expendables 2 movie at 1:30 as the fog finally let up and the temperatures climbed above freezing. Sheldon went to organize cabinet areas as I threw an eye of round roast in for supper. I updated blog and perused some amazing photos by Clark Little
 isn't that photo amazing??
Kaylin and Aaron came out around 3 to visit with Lexi and joined us for supper then swept out the horse trailer for the big move. Shaina arrived home from working all day at Target, ate and had a nap. Sheldon ran Britt to town to work at 5 only to return with her at 5:30 saying they did not need her!! So she went for a horse ride and washed Bird.

 love these photos

 some of our winter ponies

Aaron and Kaylin headed home at 7. At around 7:30 Amanda, Craig and Asher stopped out to share some good news, Asher will be a big brother in May!!!

Shaina got up and headed for a sleepover at Emily's. They only stayed till 8:30 as I had started my self cleaning oven to go watch a movie so the house was a smelly place on the main floor. After they headed home Britt, Sheldon and I watched Cold Light of Day, it was good. Then it was time for all to go to bed.

Saturday 27 October 2012

551 - cold makes for movie day

Day 551 was an early start for me and Miss Lexi, I could hear her barking in Britt's room but she was not wanting to get up so I went and got her. It was playtime for little miss, tried to get her to sleep even after an hour but no luck so put her in her play area and she played and slept for a bit finally getting me up at 9. I lit the fire and read a bit while teaching her fetch.
Finally Sheldon got up about 10:30 for coffee and watched her while I showered. Britt and Shaina were up at 11 getting ready,, grabbing a bowl of chili and heading to town to work. Shaina took Lexi to Target for her 12-3 shift and dropped Britt off for her 12-5:30 shift. Sheldon head out after eating lunch to deliver the boards as well as pick up some storage cabinets from work. I updated the blog and did some online shopping :-)
I have wanted a roomba since we started building and decided why am I waiting for it as a gift.. I shall gift it to the house!

Sheldon was home by 2, he and I unloaded the cabinets then he brought in dress up box for costumes. since it was a chilly winter day we decided to watch some more movies. Snow white and the Huntsman was good, Shaina & Lexi arrived home from work to join us; then after supper we watched Stolen which was OK but slightly far fetched. Britt got a ride home from work by Amber's parents. Brooke was dropped off later and the 3 girls had a loud sleepover. The fog rolled in heavy around 7 and stayed. Shaina got dressed up as an army girl and headed to job 2 of the day, Station 9-close, staying overnight at Kaylin's. Next we watched Hatfields & McCoys Bad Blood then started Expendables 2 but I got nodding off so stopped at 10:30 and headed to bed.

Friday 26 October 2012

550 - ladies coffee morning

Day 550 started early with little miss Lexi having a sneezing fest. Britt was too delirious to care for her so it was my duty, eventually after some water and potty break she snuggled back down with me at 7 and we slept till 9! But now I was up and doing last minute tidying and trying to get dressed as I had invited some ladies over for coffee at ten. The snow was coming down softly and the fire was going making for a perfect morning for coffee and Baileys and social time.
Rhonda, Denise, Sharon and I had a great visit and I have decided we need them more often, Two hours was not enough time to catch up on everyone's kids and lives! Thanks for coming ladies and making my morning.
this is a portion of a plant I had and gave to Amanda when we were trying to move, she grew it bigger and divided into 3 plants, one for me, her and Kaylin. It was shaky for awhile but it now is sending out a new leaf!

There was no school so Britt slept in then hung around the kitchen enjoying the ladies company too. Lexi made her way around enjoying it as well. Shaina and Emily surfaced around 11:30, visited briefly and headed to their jobs.
hard to get a good picture of both the cozy fire and the snow falling softly on the horses as they eat hay but you get the idea
 snow dog.. she loves fresh snow

Kaylin popped out for a few hours to play with her puppy but had to head back to town for work about 4:15. Grama and Papa arrived home from their European vacation so stopped on way home just after Kaylin headed out passing them on her way to town. Sheldon arrived home form work and we visited in front of the fire till they headed home at 6.

I whipped up supper and after Sheldon loaded a bundle of slabs into the dump trailer and hooked up the truck for delivery tomorrow morning. He also plowed the snow drift in front of the house Shaina finds trouble driving thru :-) Once back in the house He, Britt and I started What to Expect when your Expecting but about 15 minutes into Shaina arrived home from work so we restarted it and followed it with Men in Black 3!
European goodies.. thanks Grama and Papa!!

Thursday 25 October 2012

549 - new massage girl & coyote down

Day 549 was another usual morning of get ready, drop Britt at school then head to work.. with Lexi :-) She was again the hit of the office and had many people take her photo on their cell phones. Kaylin came to pick her up at 11 after her morning massage.

  helping me work
I ran quick at lunch to score another garage sale find then back to work until time to head for my massage. I found a new girl, Cassandra from Simply Holistic that was very good. Heated bed with comfy cushions and relaxing ambiance. Kaylin had seen her last week and again next week and I booked Sheldon 2 appointments to.

After my massage I grabbed library books and groceries before heading home to spell off the girls for Lexi care. Kaylin came to the house to enjoy a shower where she could be penned and not get her reported as to having a pet. HAHAHA

Home from work Sheldon hit the couch, I tried to have him snuggle Lexi and keep keep her sleeping but no luck. However he had no problem going to sleep HAHAHA She played while I cleaned house tidying up for tomorrow morning ladies coffee time.
Eventually he woke and we ate supper. At about 6:20 as the sun was getting ready to go down I saw a rabbit cruise thru the horse pasture. Right behind it was a coyote, I told Sheldon as he was making his quesadilla and he scrambled to get his gun and load it. Finally once he got sighted in there was a loud bang and the coyote was no more. Coco was outside at this time and once focused saw the coyote but stayed on the deck, Diego was going crazy in the garage too. Once the gun fired I let him out to patrol the area. Shoot his outdoor presence sure keeps lots away that come close now when he retreats to his large garage house :-)
Soon after Sheldon had to run to town to show the rental house as our tenants are out as of December 1st. It is getting dark by 6:50 now, how sad! The trip to town was quick as the first people to look took it for a 2 year lease. Sheldon was home in no time. Back home he fed the horses a bale, tightened the kitchen and my bathroom sink tap then worked on putting his new glass in the skid steer door.

Shaina picked Brittany up from work at 9 and brought Emily out too for a sleepover.