Saturday 20 October 2012

544 - drizzly dreary day

Day 544 started as a drizzly misty day. I was up at 10 when Shaina was eating breakfast before she headed to work before 11. I fed the pets and made tea for sleeping beauty and myself and enjoyed while I perused the internet for health info. By 11 it turned to flakes that melted on contact. Britt came up around 12:30 to eat as I was making a double batch of granola for Sheldon. After Sheldon ate lunch he ran the tires we are donating to the 4-H club to the drop off spot saving them coming to load pickup and unload, what a nice guy!

Shaina had some bad news at work, they moved her from serving back to service bar so she chose to not continue working at the Station. The golf course had their last day of the course open on Friday so cancelled her shift for Sunday and will now just be occasionally for the dinner hour. She did sock away lots for her trip so we are proud of her for that and she ill continue her other 2 jobs that give her a few days a week.

I have been wanting to paint our dining table since before we moved,  it is solid oak but just not the color for the house. The new color style is two tone .. what do  you think?

After a yummy supper, Britt Sheldon and I watched our first movie in the theater room with all the sound surround and affects. It was the Avengers so a great action packed movie, thanks Stouts for the loan!

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