Thursday 18 October 2012

542 - time with my girls

Day 542 to school and work. Britt forgot a form needed singing so I ran to the school to sign and then on my way back to work grabbed a form Kaylin needed scanned. Shaina had got ready to work at 11 at the station dropping Coco off for her haircut on the way only to find out they took her off todays schedule and did not let her know. She was a bit hot around the collar to say the least.

At lunch I picked up Kaylin and Shaina and we went to the golf course to eat, Emily joined us. I dropped the girls back at Kaylin's place where she was off for a massage before heading to a concert in the city tonight. I had noticed Shaina's car tire was going flat so she ran it to Kal-Tire for a free flat fix. I went back to work and did a few things before picking Shaina up to run errands. We got Coco from the groomer, paid my accountant, picked up a frame for Shaina then dropped her back at her car. Both of us then headed to the ranch.

Coco rocking her Halloween scarf...

Back home we spent the next couple hours hanging photo frames in a huge collage in her room. When Britt arrived home off the bus she headed out on a bike ride. The calm no wind was a nice day before the forecasted snow arrives this weekend. Finishing up around 5:30 I moved on to updating the blog. I was checking the old blog and what a flashback.. check this link
 bare wall before
 last nail goes in
and wala!!! but it did not stop there, we hung another collage on the right wall too and below is a portion of her purse collection

Britt arrived back from her bike ride tuckered out at 6 just as Brandon pulled in. All 4 of us went riding, what a beautiful night for a ride but by dark it was getting a bit nippy.

Sheldon had a work forum in the city this afternoon then they stayed in for drinks, He arrived home just as we were all coming inside at 7:15 pm. I put in a pizza and everyone had a snack before Shaina and Brandon went to town for wing night, I hit the bath tub to read and Sheldon hit the bed to read but was sleeping soon after and Britt scurried downstairs. Shaina is staying overnight at Emily's as she watches Asher tomorrow. What a busy but enjoyable day with my girls!

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