Wednesday 17 October 2012

541 - Christmas draw success

Day 541started rather forgetful, We had to return home after going halfway to town to get Britt's binder and then ended up forgetting Coco who had a long awaited haircut booked.

I had late lunch with Amanda and Asher where we each drew our Christmas gift exchange person and Asher drew for everyone else. It was blustery but back at the ranch I checked the rain gauge and after all the drying winds it showed 2/10ths at 3pm.

Shaina worked station 12-3 and was home from work around 4. I helped her fill out her Australian Tourist Visa application. At 6 she was picked up by Brandon and they headed to Cluny for supper with his parents.

Britt worked after school and Sheldon stayed late at work arriving home after 7:30. We ate late. I whipped this avocado/cilantro dressing dip up and it was yummy. Sheldon ran to town to pick Britt up from work at 9.

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