Thursday 11 October 2012

535 - I was rear ended!

Day 535 started out chilly. 

Britt and I made our way to town hearing about a 2 hour drive into or from the city due to accidents. Sure enough as we were waiting to turn into the school to drop off Britt, we felt a jolt and sure enough we had been rear ended by a young boy. Turns out he just got his license and his Dad just told him that it was icy, to drive carefully. I felt bad for the poor lad who was so upset and remorseful. It did not look bad but once I got to work the fellows said it is more damage than you think. I took it for an estimate and it seems it was $2835.00 worth of damage.. youch!
I ran to library & mail on way to estimate before going home with the shocking information. Once at home I lit a blazing fire and cracked a cold beer :-) I then went to phone and found the phone dead, after 1/2 hour with Telus they re sending a repair man in the morning. what a day!

Shaina got up and went to town to meet Grama and Papa at Tims on their way to the airport for their European Danube river cruise. She then worked out and hung out with Kaylin until 5 then home to join us for supper. Britt came home n the bus and curled up by the fire as did Sheldon after work but he had a beer. A new Big Rock flavor called SAAZ republic which is a pilsner they took 2 years to create, I have to say not so good , I love Big Rock Lime :-)

At just before 6:30, Paetz's dropped Asher off for Shaina to babysit and we jumped in with his parents and them and were off to the city to take in the annual Investors Group comedy night. It was good laughs as usual. They dropped us back home and picked up sleeping Asher at 11:30 and everyone went to bed.

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