Saturday 6 October 2012

530 - Grama and Papa 50th Anniversary

Day 530 is a special day for Grama and Papa, today they were married 50 years ago. A celebration is being held in their honor in the Hat so we were up early getting ready to go. Brandon arrived at 9 on our first scheduled time to depart but in reality it was 9:35 before we were loaded and heading down the road.
Sheldon, Brittany, Shaina, Brandon and myself, Kaylin had to do makeup for a wedding today then her and a group of friends were going to Banff to celebrate their 21st birthdays. We stopped quick in Brooks to load up on caffeine and some a quick snack and continued on our way arriving at Grama and Papa's house at just before noon.
A nice visit and lunch was enjoyed there before heading to the golf course where the party was held.About 80 people helped us celebrate. Sheldon emceed the afternoon and we had a family supper to follow. Socializing until around 7, we all loaded up the leftover cake and food and gifts and dropped back at their house. There we visited a bit longer before hitting the old number 1 for our journey home (of course stopping at Tims first) around 9 getting back to the ranch at 11:30.

 my test subject
 Kuhn family photo
 family photo after 50 years .. Kaylin and Brendan were the only ones not able to attend the big day

 the attendants in attendance

 siblings, then with GG

the dress Shaina is modeling was GG Grama's dress she wore to the wedding all those years ago

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