Friday 5 October 2012

529 - Calgary run around day

Day 529 was first Friday off in October. Sheldon ran Britt to school then went to do his lab work for yearly physical. Of course it was a one hour wait. He also dropped recycling off on way home as well as grabbing a tea for our drive to the city. He was back to grab me and head there at 11.
At home I booked our 2nd resort in St Lucia, the cleopatra villa but a different one then listed before. I also polished the table and tidied as a family was planning to come at 4 today to see it.
The first stop in the city was superstore to do a return then Costco for returns as well. Next stop was the naturopath for Sheldon. By now it was after 1 so we headed south and enjoyed a yummy lunch at Oriental Phoenix. This was followed by returns of samples to Coronado and Windsor plywood and a stop at Volvo to get a new skid steer window. This was a bust as the dude was not all there. Once home Sheldon called back and the other guy said well they indeed did have the correct glass.. thanks! The final stop in the city was at Big Rock Brewery before heading east. We detoured to the dump since they were closed this am when Sheldon tried to drop off. The table people called to say they were having issues so might be later or on Monday.

Once home at 4, Sheldon hit the bed to "relax" and watch TV while I updated the blog and tried to get our Encana VPN to work with no luck. Britt and Amber were dropped off by Amber's mom and they went out to hose Bird. They then had snacks and giggled like girls. Shaina was home after her day babysitting but got ready and she and Brandon headed to Calgary to an outdoor lacrosse game and a movie.

I ran them to the birthday party in the trees at 9:45 which took an hour to find but managed. Good thing I had the 4X4 truck to get there. I came back home to read at 11 and Shaina and Brandon kindly picked up Britt bringing her home by 1:30. I finished my book just about then too.

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