Friday 19 October 2012

543 - relaxing day off

Day 543 Britt was up and on the bus after I rousted her just after 7. Coco continued my broken sleep pattern wanting out at 8 and back in later but after that I slept until 10. Today was 3rd Friday, so a day off for Sheldon and of course my day off too. Sleeping Sheldon finally came to life about then too after his 14 hour sleep! Finally after 1/2 hour of dream revelations we go up and got moving!
I proceeded to add a bit of cute to Shaina's walls then worked on accounting while Sheldon had breakfast and headed to town at 11:30 to buy new cowboy boots before his free reiki massage at 1 I booked him.
He was home around 2:30 and loaded tires for donation to the 4-H club then came in to relax. He really enjoyed the reiki. Britt was home on the bus and headed to her room :-)
Kaylin had a naturopathic appointment this morning then she stopped to see her new addition which she picks up Sunday.. a baby french bull dog who most likely will be named Lexi
After his nap, Sheldon and I drove to the city just after 5 for supper at Joey Tomatos and the annual polox meeting. For supper Sheldon tried the fish tacos which were not as good as Original Joes but I had the beach salad sans goat cheese and it was amazing!!
the meeting was over at 11 and we were home in bed by midnight. Britt was still up watching TV and Shaina went to the city to Ranchmans after babysitting Asher and arrived home about quarter after 1 am.

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