Saturday 27 October 2012

551 - cold makes for movie day

Day 551 was an early start for me and Miss Lexi, I could hear her barking in Britt's room but she was not wanting to get up so I went and got her. It was playtime for little miss, tried to get her to sleep even after an hour but no luck so put her in her play area and she played and slept for a bit finally getting me up at 9. I lit the fire and read a bit while teaching her fetch.
Finally Sheldon got up about 10:30 for coffee and watched her while I showered. Britt and Shaina were up at 11 getting ready,, grabbing a bowl of chili and heading to town to work. Shaina took Lexi to Target for her 12-3 shift and dropped Britt off for her 12-5:30 shift. Sheldon head out after eating lunch to deliver the boards as well as pick up some storage cabinets from work. I updated the blog and did some online shopping :-)
I have wanted a roomba since we started building and decided why am I waiting for it as a gift.. I shall gift it to the house!

Sheldon was home by 2, he and I unloaded the cabinets then he brought in dress up box for costumes. since it was a chilly winter day we decided to watch some more movies. Snow white and the Huntsman was good, Shaina & Lexi arrived home from work to join us; then after supper we watched Stolen which was OK but slightly far fetched. Britt got a ride home from work by Amber's parents. Brooke was dropped off later and the 3 girls had a loud sleepover. The fog rolled in heavy around 7 and stayed. Shaina got dressed up as an army girl and headed to job 2 of the day, Station 9-close, staying overnight at Kaylin's. Next we watched Hatfields & McCoys Bad Blood then started Expendables 2 but I got nodding off so stopped at 10:30 and headed to bed.

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