Tuesday 30 October 2012

554 - moving out day for Kaylin

Day 554 started with another beautiful sunrise!
 above out front door and below thru tub window
Then Britt, Lexi and I were off to town. After dropping B at school Lexi and I went thru Tims drive thru getting tea for a cold day and headed to work. Kaylin picked her up about 9:45 on her way to watch Asher for perhaps the last day. Today after work it was pack up their apartment day for Kaylin and Aaron.

I watched Asher for her at noon for a bit while she ran to the apartment then took Lexi home. Shaina finally got up after 1 and got ready to go to work for two. She called me throwing up soon after getting to work. Looks like many late nights have caused her to catch a bug. She was back home by 3 to continue her illness and rest. As I was folding laundry I found that Shaina's help may have wrecked 2 of my sweaters.. one new crocheted one may fit Britt and the angora wool one below.. well it might become a pillow!

I did computer work and such, below is my knee warmer
Sheldon drove the truck and trailer to work and covered the floor in cardboard. After work he went to Kaylin's apartment and he and Aaron along with Aaron's dad and uncle packed the trailer full of their stuff. At 7:30 they stopped out here to unload a few things then Aaron went back to help Kaylin clean.

Kaylin did not get here until 11:30, about the time I remembered the closet was not cleaned out for the install tomorrow!! so I removed everything and she visited with Lexi, by 12:30 we both headed to bed.

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