Sunday 14 October 2012

538 - another long day of work for Shaina

Day 538 found Shaina up and out the door before 9 to work at the golf course 9-5 followed by a shift at the Station 5-close. This is going to be a long day as the poor girl was up in the night with a terribly sore throat. I reminded her to drink lots of liquids, take her vitamin c and ibuprofen and she packed Halls cough drops too. I read for awhile then started cleaning.. washing door windows and doors, laundry, cleaned the fireplace glass with the secret ash recipe and such.

Finally at noon Sheldon got up. I rousted Britt at that time to and eventually they both got moving but rather slowly. We all had turkey soup for lunch then Sheldon helped me hang a key rack, 2nd hole in the wall on the main floor!
Time to go outside and pull all my remaining beets and a square of carrots. Garage organizing and moving more planters inside to overwinter. A fellow stopped to pick up a weed eater we offered for free as well as a box of wrought iron candles.
Sheldon took a bale out to the horses then worked on setting up the snow fence. Britt checked off a small chore list I had for her such as cat feeding, dishwasher, dog eating area cleanup and fold and put away her laundry. Another lady stopped out to pick up the free angel bracelet I offered.
We hung a shelf in Shaina's room in hopes of her using it, HAHAHA.

For supper I cooked up a roast along with the last of my harvested beets, spaghetti squash and neighbors garden potatoes. So good !
Another Big Rock beer we tried or should I say Sheldon tried is Paul's angels, blonde, brunette and red head, I did not care for any of them.
Looking out the window I saw the culprits who are stealing the cat food, I wondered how the cats were always out since we all say we keep feeding them.. it was magpies!! GRRRRR so I moved the feeding station to the garage for now.

Poor Britt did not feel well so slept part of the day and spent most of it in the basement. Hot baths, another book and 3 episodes of Hawaii 5-0 and more reading rounded out our evening. Poor Shaina came home tuckered after a LONG day at work at 11:00.

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