Saturday 30 June 2012

432 - Acadia Valley 100 year homecoming day 1

Up early we loaded up to head off to Acadia Valley for the 100 year homecoming. Kaylin came to sleep in the trailer after her closing shift at the Station just after 4 am. Shaina made it home just after 8 but had to shower so we finally got away at 8:30. Shaina and Kaylin and Coco continued to sleep in the trailer for the trip and we made a stop at Tims arriving in the valley around quarter to 12. We pulled into the camp ground (thanks Jordan and Jarrod), set up camp and grabbed lunch while visiting with family.

the entire Kuhn family team!

The first ball game was slated for 2:30 followed by a trip back to trailer to change for Britt and I and the 2 other girls napped coming back to the ball grounds later for supper and dance. Sheldon just stayed at the ball park and visited till after 4 am!

 Amanda fed Diego supper before heading to Oyen, thanks Amanda!!

Friday 29 June 2012

431 - it is a hot one! 31!

Day 431 found Jeff out here at 7:30 hammering on the forms for a bit. I managed to gt back to sleep and slept in until 10 am! Up for tea and  english muffins. At 11 Shaina arrived home
 the curved edge Jeff put on and below my yummy masala chai system
I watered the garden and planters, picked fresh spinach and lettuce.

At 1 Shaina had tacked up Julio for me and her and I went out with me leading Bird (since Britt still feeling yucky). Foreshadowing it was a bad idea as these 2 are so competitive esp in faster speeds. the first 35 minutes of trotting went well, when it came to the lope for 5 minutes the ball unraveled. these two are going from lope to gallop to sprint trying to out do each other as well as KD in the next row, dead ahead there is a row of trees now so i throw the lead rope over Bird necks and send her right. I put the weight in my left stirrup asking Julio to peel off right but he decides to follow her launching me airborne.. on to my butt and using my shoulder and back to plow thru the row of trees.. :/. Shaina yells "are you ok", "yep get the horses!" Well that was a bit more of an effort, she finally caught them about 1 mile away! Coming back with 3 tired ponies, I met her half way and we rode the tuckered out guys home where they were hosed and released!

By this time she was late for for work at target but quickly she got ready and was off. I jumped in the shower to ride some of the dirt I collected. After I had a couple ibuprofen and beer I created yummy salads we enjoyed on the deck.

My neck did not fair well after the tree incident so was spasming but Britt was going to ride Daisy for Shaina and wanted feet trimmed. I headed out to trim her with Sheldon and Britt's help.  Sheldon held feet while I nipped and Britt helped to file. Then Britt took her out for a ride. The thermometer showed 31, it was a warm day. I came back in and researched how to get rid of the cabbage maggots that are eating my radishes but it looks hopeless.. UGH dang you pests! I did try putting lime around them, obviously to late but whatever.

Sheldon worked on the swather getting it all ready to roll for Monday's planned cutting day. Then we worked at removing a bit of the clay at the south end of the sidewalk and then loading gravel into the forms and leveling.

 the horse whisperer after letting Daisy go after their ride
 gravel going in
 but a break to hook up the trailer including the battery to start, been awhile

Britt and I ran to Olsen's to borrow some ball gloves for the w/e. I made mushroom pork chops with fried potatoes and peas for supper, then vacuumed the main floor and washed pot and pans before enjoying a peaceful gorgeous evening on the deck for an ice tea with Sheldon. By the evening he was starting to feel better as was Britt. Then it was back to packing food and beverages for the w/e into the trailer. We have a projected departure time of 8 AM in the morning :-)

Shaina got home at just after 9pm, packed her gear, ate supper and was off to a yet another grad party. This one a camp out which she is missing the rest to go to Acadia Valley homecoming.

Thursday 28 June 2012

430 - Sheldon sick day, Britt ends up too

Day 430 was a gorgeous sunny summer day. However Sheldon was still feeling like crap so took the day off to try and recoup. I was up and off to work in the sunshine. Britt enjoyed sleeping in until I called her at 10 asking if she wanted to ride with Lynda in a lesson from Lesley. On such a nice day Lynda hauled over to our place and they had the lesson here.

Shaina had a chiropractor appointment and found all lower 5 vertebrae were out. He suggested taking a few days off riding but consented to today. She then worked target 12-4 and the station 5-9! She then went for wings with Jenna and had sleep over there too.

Britt worked on her 4-H record book next week and watched TV in afternoon. I worked the am with Asher and Amanda stopping to pick up eggs and have a visit then at lunch the girls and I form work had a meeting lunch at the golf course to learn "courtesy matters", a program we must take for work. Luckily the instructor thought golf patio was a great place to learn! I then quickly rushed to Sky Nails to use my pedicure gift certificate from the Paetz's for my birthday. Ah, relaxing.
Once polish was all dry it was back to work to pick up parcel and enter a program for the guys over long w/e. Then it was time to head home. At the ranch, Jeff was working on forming the sidewalk!! Sheldon arrived home around 4 with the dogs and a load of gravel after seeing the doctor in Langdon. He has to go do some tests but think he will live. He did not feel much better so came in to rest. I set up new area to have horses graze and searched high and low for our mister machine with no luck :-(

Supper was quick left overs and then at 7, Britt and I went out for the hour conditioning of our horses. Diego is getting more conditioned as well making it farther each day before he is sent home to rest. Sheldon went out then to change oil in swather and blades. When we got back at 8, Jeff was back working on the forms, it is now coming together. I watered garden, put up the new tub in fatty pen for minerals/salt and then released the grazers before coming in at 9:30 to update the blog. Britt came back in and soon felt awful too, fever and nausea.. this stomach fly might get us all! Sent to to hot tub with tylenol then bed. Sheldon came in just after 10:30 needing a shower and bed too.

note Diego in the photos with his stake

 Diego helping move stakes

 yum, very happy I came Daisy said
 and I screwed on with long nails.. I shall foil them this time, they wont get this one off or dump
there was even a line up

Wednesday 27 June 2012

429 - Britt's last day of jr high school

Day 429 is Britt's last day of junior high.. as excited as she is, I must admit it is sad to know we have 2 daughters graduated and one one her way there soon. She wrote her last test today which was social. Her and I headed out at 8:30 leaving the dogs in the garage texting Shaina to let Coco in before he headed to town. It seems that the sneaky devil did not just sit innocently in the garage with Diego but rather went on a mud walk.  
I dropped Britt off and headed to work for the morning. at noon it was off to the library, buy 5 more spirea in hope of the front planter soon, a 45 minute wait at the chiropractor to get neck aligned, post test match poster at UFA, drop 4-H stuff to Shaina at work and then groceries. The pharmacy screwed up and sold Shaina's last gardisil shot so it messed up her doctor appointment for tomorrow, GRRR but finally I was on my way home by 2:30. Once home it was unload plants and groceries and check rain gauge from yesterday.. even after being tipped and missing parts of the storm it had 35 mm.. (1 1/3") holy but some areas dried up already.

Britt headed home to Hannah's after test and Shaina picked up her up at 8 on way home from work. Once home from work, Sheldon hit the couch and napped feeling not so well. For supper I made a meat free meal which was very good. I called it the "boob plate special"
After supper, Sheldon finished reading Mockingjay! Now what will he read!? Then around 9 he went out and put the sharpened blades back on the lawn mower and moved the swather closer to the garage. Shaina and Britt each took horses out to condition and at around 9 Lynda and her friend Sarah arrived with a horse to practice polox. We got Sarah on Beck and she joined us 4 throwing the ball and practicing until well into the dark. Shaina showered and headed to town to spend the night with Kaylin brushing up on a resume for a new job at the Station.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

428 - and the rain settles in June 26

Day 428 started dreary as Britt and I headed to school and work. Britt only writes Language Arts test today so was done at 10:30 and hung with friends till I picked her up at 1:30. I grabbed Tim's for all at work and then enjoyed a lunch out with the ladies and another Calgary gal.

At one I made a quick stop at the old house and grabbed some slips of perennials that did not survive the move in pots.  It was just starting to drizzle and by the time I grabbed Britt and Hannah it was raining. We made a stop back at Tims to grab drinks and lunch for Shaina dropping it at Target for her. Then UFA for returns and purchases. We decided the bug zapper was not needed as the moths are declining and we have no pole to hang from yet. Next it was to recycling depot to drop the bags of clothes and shoes off. The rest of the list will wait for tomorrow and by now it was just about 2:30 so dropped Hannah off and headed home .

Britt was to study or work on 4-H book but not sure what is getting done. I went out and planted the perennials in the rain. Hope that helps them take easy. The yard in town was full.. including weeds which I hope they do not think are plants :-) They also planted more trees in the back yard and skirted int eh deck with white lattice. It looks good, nice and tidy. I did not find my little yellow ranunuculas, Mom I hope you have some I shared with you! When planting here I see the new placement of the rain gauge is sheltered so moved to see accurate measures. I then worked on blog, started a fire and updated accounting program which is always fun!
Sheldon came home from work and settled in front of the fire to read which of course turned into a nap. Shaina who worked from noon to four went to the city for a supper and movie date. ;) The rain let up about 5 but still was drizzly until around 8 where it unloaded again. After a supper of leftovers Sheldon took the blades off the lawnmower, I requested since I was getting uncut areas. After removal it was back to his book

hard to see rain out window but it is there and my cozy fire

Britt went to study and shower. I perused the internet, took photos of my film cameras for sale and chatted for an hour with coach Lesley for next week's Americans arriving.
look closely at the horses in the photo. hint ginger

here is our yard at 8:30pm