Friday 8 June 2012

410 - no school friday June 8

Day 410 is a no school Friday and still no work for me therefore sleep in day for all but Sheldon! However the girls were all at sleepovers so it was just me but was up early with the rain and Coco wanting out at 6:30. I did get up at 9:30 and made hot chai and toast and proceeded to enjoy the morning watching 4 hours of PVR Revenge. The girls got home at around 12:30 and they worked on tidying rooms before Shaina headed to work for 2-9. I cleaned my room and folded laundry while watching more PVR Ellen,
The sun peeked out for an hour at 1 then rain was back at 2 then sun just after 3.. the forecast shows rain for next week still.. hmmm Sheldon text to say working late again, this darn shut down should be over soon. At 4:30 I went out to prune trees and set a few new small ones back up after all this rain, plant up Shaina's mini rose bush and such while Britt was forced to come out and scoop horse manure. She did not last long but rather spent more time with the horses and dogs. I checked the rain gauge and it said 2/10ths.
At around 6:30 the rain forced me in the house where I threw together a chicken and rice casserole. This storm brought loud lightening too much to Coco's chagrin. When I turned the TV on the news was on saying I'll Have Another, the Canadian race horse to win the Kentucky and Preakness was diagnosed with tendonitis and will not run int he Belmont missing the chance at taking the triple crown. Such sadness, boo!!

While the casserole cooked I updated the blog. Brittany alerted me to the tick affected area on Coco to be swollen and crusty. A quick call to our AWESOME vet Jody and the advice I gave Britt was affirmed. Clean off crusties and apply polysporin.

Sheldon finally arrived around 7:30 and after a refreshing beverage we enjoyed the chicken casserole supper. Soon after he had a rest on the couch but soon headed to bed, sacked after such long days.

Shaina arrived home after 9 along with Brandon and the 2 of them grabbed some clothes she had sold and were off to Cluny. I enjoyed the crackling fire reading 5 of my magazines and through out today read all 31 blogs I subscribe too some with 60 emails unread. It was very nice to catch up on the articles, who says rain is all bad. It is great for reading and the new trees. :-)

At 11 I headed off to bed to read, but not before starting my new facial care system

Britt was in the basement doing her own thing and Shaina says she will be home by 2:30 but actually arrived just before 3 am :-)

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