Saturday 2 June 2012

404 - 2nd day polox clinic June 2

Day 404 was an early start as we were loaded up with snacks and drinks and horses and off to get Lynda's horse by 8:10 am. The day was overcast, some sprinkles of rain with bursts of sun thankfully. Once we had Cowboy loaded we raced to the filed arriving at 9:30 and on the field in time but many other did not so it was delayed start :-(

The girls did the clinic taking a break for lunch. After the break Sheldon and I ran a few errands including a chai tea stop :-) then back to watch int he sunshine. By 5 we had the horses loaded and off to drop off cowboy and then hit the ranch. It was looking like a lovely night to ride but by the time Britt went to catch the fat ponies another rain storm blew in but only briefly. So we enjoyed a barbeque burger and pizza supper then showered up. Shaina had friends arrive to start birthday celebrations while Britt watched TV shows , Sheldon a hockey game on another and I watched 3 hours of PVR.

At just before midnight we loaded up the girls and headed to town to the station, how ever half way Shaina realized she forgot ID so back we came. We did arrive for 12:02 so she was happy. Uncle Travis met us, Kaylin as there and the next few hours were the initiation into the effects of shots and liquor for little miss Shaina. 2:30 we managed to get her home and to the comfort of her bathroom :-)

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