Tuesday 26 June 2012

428 - and the rain settles in June 26

Day 428 started dreary as Britt and I headed to school and work. Britt only writes Language Arts test today so was done at 10:30 and hung with friends till I picked her up at 1:30. I grabbed Tim's for all at work and then enjoyed a lunch out with the ladies and another Calgary gal.

At one I made a quick stop at the old house and grabbed some slips of perennials that did not survive the move in pots.  It was just starting to drizzle and by the time I grabbed Britt and Hannah it was raining. We made a stop back at Tims to grab drinks and lunch for Shaina dropping it at Target for her. Then UFA for returns and purchases. We decided the bug zapper was not needed as the moths are declining and we have no pole to hang from yet. Next it was to recycling depot to drop the bags of clothes and shoes off. The rest of the list will wait for tomorrow and by now it was just about 2:30 so dropped Hannah off and headed home .

Britt was to study or work on 4-H book but not sure what is getting done. I went out and planted the perennials in the rain. Hope that helps them take easy. The yard in town was full.. including weeds which I hope they do not think are plants :-) They also planted more trees in the back yard and skirted int eh deck with white lattice. It looks good, nice and tidy. I did not find my little yellow ranunuculas, Mom I hope you have some I shared with you! When planting here I see the new placement of the rain gauge is sheltered so moved to see accurate measures. I then worked on blog, started a fire and updated accounting program which is always fun!
Sheldon came home from work and settled in front of the fire to read which of course turned into a nap. Shaina who worked from noon to four went to the city for a supper and movie date. ;) The rain let up about 5 but still was drizzly until around 8 where it unloaded again. After a supper of leftovers Sheldon took the blades off the lawnmower, I requested since I was getting uncut areas. After removal it was back to his book

hard to see rain out window but it is there and my cozy fire

Britt went to study and shower. I perused the internet, took photos of my film cameras for sale and chatted for an hour with coach Lesley for next week's Americans arriving.
look closely at the horses in the photo. hint ginger

here is our yard at 8:30pm

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