Thursday 14 June 2012

416 - Kaylin's luggage is found

Day 416, drop Britt at school and to work. I finished up at 12:30, dropped Sheldon's suit at dry cleaners then got groceries and headed home by 1:30. On the drive home Kaylin called to say luggage was still lost and wondered what to do. I made suggestions who to call and what to say. As I was unpacking groceries, Kaylin called to say the luggage was found and in Calgary and could I run them in!

So after unpacking and finding my Costco returns I scooted back to town just after 2, grabbed her then tried to find Mr Aaron. Finally by 2:40 we were on the road hoping we could get her there and back for work at 4. I dropped them off and just after I got back to the main road she called to say Aaron had left his stuff int he car so back I went, loaded them up and took them to her car and Park & Jet at 3:30. I hope she made it back in time.

I then ventured around the construction to Costco loading up on yet more groceries, pillows, rugs and such. A quick stop to grab Tims frozen lemonade and cruise thru winners where of course I found treasures.
 this snake skin mirror tray and glass vases, milk jug and top
By now it was after 5 and time to get the frozen food home. I pulled in just before 6. Sheldon was grading the last of the south west top soil pile while Britt was sleeping. I unloaded the Costco and winners goodies and began to make pork chops in mushroom gravy with rice and broccoli as sides. Sheldon came in at just after 7 and us 3 ate. Shaina it seems was busy in town helping Brandon buy groceries and hang out never making it home till 10

 storm threatening to west

 last of the south west top soil pile is moving, looks so different

After supper, Jeff stopped out to plan the sidewalk with Sheldon and I then Sheldon went out to water trees while I updated the blog, continued laundry and cleaned up supper. Just after 10, Kate came over for a sleepover. Tomorrow is the last full school day but they have spares so only going for part and the water fight. Sheldon came in at 11 to say he say a white horses streak past him thru the gate on his way back from watering the chokecherry so for the next 40 minutes we all were driving, riding quads and searching for them. Turns out they headed south around the trees to the neighbors field by the other horses so Britt and Shaina vaulted up bareback and rode 2 home while leading one.
Sheldon then filled the portable tanks from the storage in hopes of more rain soon. The house seemed to settle down around 12:30.

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