Tuesday 5 June 2012

407 - rain comes in June 5

Day 407 I was awoken early.. at 4:30 the thunderclap and lightening woke me. I totally wanted to go back to sleep and soon I did with disrupted sleep during the storm. Once Sheldon was up at 6 the rain was over but the entire day it loomed over us threatening to unload at any time. The rain gauge only showed .75/10 of rain :-( Oh well any bit helps with new trees.

I dropped Britt at school and was off to work grabbing teas on the way. At 11 I met Shaina to drop off clothes she is selling to make some cash then met Britt at the high school to meet the counselor to go over her grade 10 schedule. She was the 2nd perfect schedule the counselor had seen getting all classes she asked for. After dropping her back at school I headed back to work. I was lucky enough to have a massage at 2:45!

After work, Sheldon had a doctor appointment then stopped  at the old house for a visit and the mail. Britt came home on the bus. When I arrived home around 4:30 Britt took dogs for a walk and being dreary and cool, I started a fire then did accounting and blogging. Shaina stayed in after school to go out for "birthday" supper with the Graff family. Quite the lucky girl for suppers lately I say.

We did not attend the junior high awards night where Britt was to receive an award. In school today she received highest Math mark in her grade and tonight I am guessing honors.
 Nightbird poses for portrait shot

As forecast a huge storm rolled in around 10 unleashing a fury of wind and rain and tornado warnings. One touched down in Brooks. Shaina pulled in at 10:30 when it was just getting started so took panting Coco to the safety of her room for the night. The lightening was intense and it continued till around 2 am.

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