Wednesday 27 June 2012

429 - Britt's last day of jr high school

Day 429 is Britt's last day of junior high.. as excited as she is, I must admit it is sad to know we have 2 daughters graduated and one one her way there soon. She wrote her last test today which was social. Her and I headed out at 8:30 leaving the dogs in the garage texting Shaina to let Coco in before he headed to town. It seems that the sneaky devil did not just sit innocently in the garage with Diego but rather went on a mud walk.  
I dropped Britt off and headed to work for the morning. at noon it was off to the library, buy 5 more spirea in hope of the front planter soon, a 45 minute wait at the chiropractor to get neck aligned, post test match poster at UFA, drop 4-H stuff to Shaina at work and then groceries. The pharmacy screwed up and sold Shaina's last gardisil shot so it messed up her doctor appointment for tomorrow, GRRR but finally I was on my way home by 2:30. Once home it was unload plants and groceries and check rain gauge from yesterday.. even after being tipped and missing parts of the storm it had 35 mm.. (1 1/3") holy but some areas dried up already.

Britt headed home to Hannah's after test and Shaina picked up her up at 8 on way home from work. Once home from work, Sheldon hit the couch and napped feeling not so well. For supper I made a meat free meal which was very good. I called it the "boob plate special"
After supper, Sheldon finished reading Mockingjay! Now what will he read!? Then around 9 he went out and put the sharpened blades back on the lawn mower and moved the swather closer to the garage. Shaina and Britt each took horses out to condition and at around 9 Lynda and her friend Sarah arrived with a horse to practice polox. We got Sarah on Beck and she joined us 4 throwing the ball and practicing until well into the dark. Shaina showered and headed to town to spend the night with Kaylin brushing up on a resume for a new job at the Station.

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