Monday 4 June 2012

406 - busy work day for me

Day 406 found the girls off to school while I started laundry and cooked up homemade chicken soup. It was time to get the lawnmower out so had to check oil and fill with gas after cleaning tons of bird crap off with a hose. I left the house at 10 and looped the pasture then proceeded to mow the ditch area all along the highway. I stopped to weed two rows of baby trees then mowed back to house arriving at noon.

After enjoying a quick bowl of soup and a beer it was back out to dig 24 poplar trees out for a lady coming this afternoon then it was time to trim hawk who was in dire need. It was a scorcher out whew! Back at the house I watered my garden and bushes while waiting for the gal who came at 3.

A quick break in the house to update the blog, continue laundry and cool off then it was back out to rake around trees to mow more.

Shaina drove home after school to ride and Britt took the bus. Once home they had snacks and Shaina studied a bit then they headed out to ride and pony horses but not for long as 2 had limps. I continued to water trees and pick rock and mow and harrow around trees. I found a nest of bugs in one of the new Schubert chokecherry trees, UGH!!
I also dug more trees out for another gal coming to get some of the extra poplars too. By now it was 6 and a shower was needed to clean the layers of sweat and grime. The weather started to change getting cooler and tad windy, they are forecasting rain tonight and next few days, bring it on!! Sheldon had went form work to enjoy a 1 1/2 hour massage then ran errands like restocking of booze, washing his truck and getting Kaylin.

At 7 after girls rolled clean wraps, folded laundry and put away stuff us girls loaded into Shaina's car and headed to town to meet Sheldon and Kaylin at More Than Ice Cream for Shaina's birthday celebration supper. It was delicious as usual even if Shaina found a hair.. hopefully her own :-). Shaina and Kaylin then went to the gym and OJ's for drinks and their usual Monday night sleepover while Britt, Sheldon and I jumped in the truck. I stopped to make a deposit then we grabbed groceries and ventured home.

Back at the ranch, it was unloading time, fold wash etc while I updated the blog and Sheldon squished the nest of bugs.

more great pictures from w/e a wee little girl took at the clinic. She caught great action!

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