Wednesday 13 June 2012

415 - near death experience June 13

Day 415 started out dreary and blah. Shaina and Britt headed off a bit early as Shaina stared departmental exams today. Work was busy but just before lunch Kaylin called to say they finally arrived in Calgary but luggage was not there, After I found her the phone number of the 2nd flight company they used but came home on a 3rd she found the luggage was actually in LA all along and still there! Guess where her car keys were? In LA.. so after a mad scramble they found a friend to come get them. Shaina had another test at 2 and Britt and I were off to Hanna for dental at 1:30.

Before picking Britt up I grabbed tea, lemonade and a snack for the ride and off we went. Britt drove after the 21/9 intersection just as the rain then hail pummeled down. What a trouper this kid was, she wanted to persevere and did a great job, many were pulled over it was hailing so hard.
 safety B at the wheel
 but a bit nervous LOL
 with almost zero visibility at times
and lots of hail in the ditch. Then after we passed the Drumheller corner we saw a car in our lane heading to us fast, they had past up a hill on the other side in the poor conditions only to find us and traffic behind us in their path, they swerved to the right side of us and Britt kept her cool passing straight between the car racing past us on either side. Once we were safely thru she let out her breath and said "I think I just $(** my pants!" Thank you to our guardian angels for keeping the situation as safe as it could be. In all my years of driving I have never experienced such stupidity from an oncoming car and luckily the area had a wide shoulder on our side!

Once we arrived in Hanna, she was ushered right in, no wait today and back out in less than 10 minutes and we were back on the road (a quick slurpee stop first) Britt behind the wheel. The rain did not make Hanna but sure enough we hit it in buckets again past Delis and it poured and hailed until Carbon. This girl put on some great Mario miles today! Great driving B!
Just before 6 we arrived back at the ranch where it was basically dry but did finally rain a bit around 7. Sheldon was home relaxing after his stressful work day at a safety meeting day in Trochu! :-) Shaina had brought Kaylin out to use makeup and hairdryer etc for her work tonight then took her back in staying at Kaylin's for the night to study for another class test in bio tomorrow. I stoked up a fire after the 4 near continuous hours of car riding and reading then worked on the landscape plan for future plant placement of the potted plants once it dries up and all leveling is done. I am so keen to get the round about planter started so I can get them in their first but that may not happen soon due to weather. Don't get me wrong, we need the rain but maybe not everyday and on a couple work days a week.

Supper was leftovers and around 7 Sheldon went out to play in the dirt again and moving the tack shed to its final resting place. Just after 8 he was back in, reading his book in front of the fire while I updated the blog and started laundry and Britt did her thing.

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