Thursday 28 June 2012

430 - Sheldon sick day, Britt ends up too

Day 430 was a gorgeous sunny summer day. However Sheldon was still feeling like crap so took the day off to try and recoup. I was up and off to work in the sunshine. Britt enjoyed sleeping in until I called her at 10 asking if she wanted to ride with Lynda in a lesson from Lesley. On such a nice day Lynda hauled over to our place and they had the lesson here.

Shaina had a chiropractor appointment and found all lower 5 vertebrae were out. He suggested taking a few days off riding but consented to today. She then worked target 12-4 and the station 5-9! She then went for wings with Jenna and had sleep over there too.

Britt worked on her 4-H record book next week and watched TV in afternoon. I worked the am with Asher and Amanda stopping to pick up eggs and have a visit then at lunch the girls and I form work had a meeting lunch at the golf course to learn "courtesy matters", a program we must take for work. Luckily the instructor thought golf patio was a great place to learn! I then quickly rushed to Sky Nails to use my pedicure gift certificate from the Paetz's for my birthday. Ah, relaxing.
Once polish was all dry it was back to work to pick up parcel and enter a program for the guys over long w/e. Then it was time to head home. At the ranch, Jeff was working on forming the sidewalk!! Sheldon arrived home around 4 with the dogs and a load of gravel after seeing the doctor in Langdon. He has to go do some tests but think he will live. He did not feel much better so came in to rest. I set up new area to have horses graze and searched high and low for our mister machine with no luck :-(

Supper was quick left overs and then at 7, Britt and I went out for the hour conditioning of our horses. Diego is getting more conditioned as well making it farther each day before he is sent home to rest. Sheldon went out then to change oil in swather and blades. When we got back at 8, Jeff was back working on the forms, it is now coming together. I watered garden, put up the new tub in fatty pen for minerals/salt and then released the grazers before coming in at 9:30 to update the blog. Britt came back in and soon felt awful too, fever and nausea.. this stomach fly might get us all! Sent to to hot tub with tylenol then bed. Sheldon came in just after 10:30 needing a shower and bed too.

note Diego in the photos with his stake

 Diego helping move stakes

 yum, very happy I came Daisy said
 and I screwed on with long nails.. I shall foil them this time, they wont get this one off or dump
there was even a line up

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