Thursday 21 June 2012

423 - equine teeth day & trims for Dad

Day 423 started bright and early. Britt was off on the bus at 8 while I was making scrambled eggs for my busy day. I rousted Shaina to help me catch KD while I caught Pepper and Bird and loaded them up in the trailer. At 8:30 I was off to Langdon to get the horses teeth done by their dentist Grant. Shaina headed to work the Oilmans gold tournament from 12:30-6 then off to diploma prep in the city.
 Pepper all drunk up on tranquilizers and teeth floating

 KD being worked on and finished below

 bird before
 during and after below

Sheldon took today and tomorrow off and he cleaned out the travel trailer in the morning. At around noon Dad arrived over at the dentist with Jessie for her teeth. I headed back to the ranch at 12:30 and he followed soon after. I made hi,m lunch then around 2, I went out and trimmed Jessie and Bandits feet.

Finished at 3:30 I packed a bit for our overnight trip to Banff tonight. Britt got home off the bus at 4 and was excited to see the horses so I went out with her while she rode Bandit bareback. Dad helped Sheldon hook up the water pipes under the deck. At 4:45 we loaded the horses and dad headed home while I jumped in the shower. Britt stayed home to ride and take care of the dogs.

Sheldon and I headed off on our road trip about 5:45, stopping at Cole's for a barbeque and visit venturing on to Banff at 9. Shaina text she was home from prep puking with heat stroke, poor kid. We got a room at the Caribou lodge, hit the hot tub then bed. What a long day!

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