Monday 18 June 2012

420 - groundhog monday

Day 420 is what I like to think of as ground hogs day Monday. I am still not working Mondays so it remains my organizing cleaning day. Britt was up and on the bus by 8. I worked on updating the blog and doing accounting but the majority of computer time was sorting pictures into the correct files. That is easy compared to the selecting to order to print which in another days challenge.

There has been an invader in my strawberries.. grrrr but Sheldon snapped a photo of the guilty culprit he thinks. a yellow breasted..grey bird :-)

I put the "skinny" horses out to mow, started laundry, changed sheets, made some online donations to friends in cancer relays and flogged Miss Shaina from 10 am on to get moving and studying before her and Breanne were off to the last day of Biology diploma prep. Not that she did as they were off around 1 to go shopping before hand!
the ponies having a nap.. why Julio loves to be dirty is beyond me, should have been named Pig Pen!
I ran out to snap a photo of yesterday's end result before we ran in form the rain. I also checked the gauge and there was 1.5/10ths only overnight.
The day has been overcast and threatening with occasional mist but no wind :-) Britt has a massage after school so Sheldon will pick her up today and bring her home. I put a nice little chicken in the oven to roast for supper before going out to dig the last 3 poplars I had for sale for a 7 pm pickup tonight. However when I did this at 2:45 the rain started to come down :-/ so it was working on incorporation books. A fire was a must now!

speaking of poplars, it seems some of our new large ones are turning some leaves yellow. Sheldon is very concerned and googled it.. causes not enough or too much water.. go figure. Any suggestions?

Two hours later it is still drizzling, think I will have to don the rain coat and go get them anyway. Sheldon and Britt arrived home just after 5. I prepared Shaina's tasty cauliflower and threw in the oven while Sheldon and I ran down and dug the trees. Back at 5:30 I made the baby potatoes and gravy and by 6 we were eating. But just as we sat down the 4 "skinny" horses trotted down the road! Off we all ran, Britt jumping on the quad and closing gate and moving them back towards the house. I opened the wire and gate while Sheldon and Diego guarded the hole ear the swamp but they trotted right back in to the fenced pen allowing us to get back to our hot supper.

Britt went downstairs to "study" while Sheldon got his book to read in front of the blazing fire so I grabbed my ipod and checked pinterest. Just after 7 the tree people arrived to pick up trees. Then Sheldon curled back up with his book while I vacuumed the main floor . At 8:30, I had a nice hot bath and S decided to work on his skid steer. He came in just before 10 to shower, Shaina was home just after . I suggested she hit the sheets as she has to write social part b diploma test in the am then has math 30 diploma prep starting for the next 3 evenings.

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