Monday 11 June 2012

413 - sunny day, weather man was wrong

Day 413 - ground hogs day Monday :-) up and shooed girls off to school. I headed out and expanded the lawn mower area for the horses, put tomatoes in cages, dumped Britt's load of manure and filled gate planters with more dirt before coming back in to get dressed at 10. I had pulled my coveralls over my pj's and it was getting hot already. Back outside, the dogs and I moved all the chokecherry trees to areas with nothing along the road and planted 2 scots pine trees in areas of the shelter belt. Whew, their was lots of sweat equity there.
 area I planted on pine from afar
 poor little thing from afar and below a chokecherry

Just before noon we headed back to the house to grab a cold drink and snack. After grabbing a jumbo ice tea to go,  I donned my rubber boots and Ipod and took off mowing the outer track and gate area and ditches. Let me tell you, black rubber boots heat up fast in 26 degree weather or perhaps it was the fleece sweats :-) but after 2 hours of mowing I was back at the house. Changing into shorts and flip flops, it was now rock picking, trampoline moving and poop scooping before mowing the back yard area. This led to tree base grooming with much work needed on the spruce trees but by now the clouds moved in and the mosquitoes found me. I draw them like honey and after an hour I was covered in bites and my arms were scratched to pieces from trying to lift branches and push/level dirt under the spruce trees.
let me tell you just how hot these rubber boots got in this sunshine and fleece sweat pants to boot.. more moisture in the boots than out :-)
 the path behind me.. the horses conditioning track
 look how tall it was when I cut last week
 cheese! melting hair and hawt ear protection to boot!
 the culprit trees
 caused more undue scratches and bug bites

At 4 I came in for a cold beer as Britt arrived home on the bus. She caught our ponies and I threw on yoga pants to go for a nice 1 1/2 hour ride. The evening is fabulous, OK minus the mosquitoes but this rain brings them I guess. We met Sheldon getting home for work as were were ready to head out so he kept the dogs and spent time pushing more dirt. Once we got back, he and I adjusted 2 of the big poplar trees before I came into the house just after 6 to start supper. Tonight it is simple salad and rib eye steak!

after supper he went back out to play while I soaked in the tub and watched the final shows on PVR for Revenge.
 playing in the dirt

 my garden progress
 the pile dwindling
the sunset out master window as I watched TV show,love it!!

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