Thursday 7 June 2012

409 - weed till blistered and scraped

Day 409, I dropped Britt at school on way to work. Shaina was late curling hair...grrr Kaylin& Aaron were off to Vegas this am bright and early to take in the Electric Carnival.

I left work at 12:30 and stopped to grab annuals to plant at the gate before heading home. At the ranch I set up a new area for the lawn mowers to clean off and then planted new seeds I was mailed by a kind fellow gardener from Ontario.

first bloom of the year, an iris in a barrel and below another area of caterpillars.. seems Sheldon took care of another spot so I eliminated these ones but not sure without burning or chemical that they will be gone for good.

After grabbing a quick sandwich I went back out to plant the annuals at the gate. This lead to pulling weeds around the last few rows of baby trees until at 4:30 I had a huge blister and had to quit.

this was as far as I got after blister burst and scrapes burned but it was a huge improvement. I plan to move the ones that are doing ok to the south tree patch

The girls arrived home about 3:40 and Britt napped/snacked while Shaina tidied her room. She is posting photos of clothes and such on the online garage sale trying to recoup some cash. I came back to the house around 4:30, made a big cold ice tea and updated the blog. Sheldon called saying he had to work late so supper will be delayed till 6:30. Britt went out and watered the garden while I cooked supper. Kaylin text saying they made it safe and sound and were going for supper with Auntie Deb and the gang.

Sheldon was still not home by 7 so us girls ate. Then just after 7:30, Shaina gave Britt a ride to Brooke's for sleepover while she went to her first official wing night then sleepover with Jenna. I was lucky enough to have free time to peruse pinterest!

Finally after 8 Sheldon arrived home famished and wolfed down the steel head trout with quinoa and fresh veggies on the side along with a cold beer! About quarter to nine he went out quick to push more dirt around the water logged spruce and took a tote of water to the fat pen then filled all empty totes and tubs for the upcoming rain.
yes the girls need to do some scooping :-)

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