Monday 18 June 2012

419 - Happy Fathers Day June 17

Day 419 was a beautiful Father day Sunday! Happy Fathers day to my fantastic Dad and to Papa Carl and to Sheldon!

It was also a nice sleep in day. I got up at around 9:30 while Sheldon enjoyed another sleep in served hot coffee and toast by me closer to 11 when he woke up and read a bit more of his book. I updated the blog before heading outside to expand the lawn mowing area at noon. I also called Britt to wake up and enjoy the day.

Sheldon ventured out to and moved pallets and such around the sidewalk area in preparation for this week's hopeful frame and pour. It was smoking hot and muggy. Shaina arrived home with Tim's for all around 12:30 and then quickly hit her bed again! I managed to roust her and Britt and they both took 2 of the "fat" horses out for a ride but returned by 2 scared of the threatening storm. Sheldon and I worked on the island raking and dumping more dirt and measuring the edges but were chased in when the rain unleashed at 2:30. 3/10 came down fairly fast.

 need extension on the septic tank to bring up to grade
 raking project
 marking the planter sidewalk area
Britt giving her dad his gift of new barbeque brush and replacement heads he has been bugging me to go buy!

I had a quick shower and started a fire and supper preparations. Britt peeled potatoes while Shaina unloaded the dishwasher. Sheldon worked on a power cord in the garage enjoying a beer with his dogs.The Paetz's came out around 3:30 and we enjoyed beverages and appetizers. Shaina ate quick before 2 other girls arrived and she drove them all to day 2 diploma prep. Kaylin arrived soon after with a cake for supper.
 the chef talking to his father
 Kaylin's Father's day cake she made and chocolates she brought him from Vegas
 evening entertainment was the jugglers
 they hope to get a bit better for the Walker reunion
 even Asher gave it a go
 and off on a walk we went, the rest below are Britt's photo graphic eye
 the leaders guard the way
 the neat sky shot she snapped
 the men
 ladies and child
 happy dog
 the path
 pond dog
Asher and I throwing pebbles in the pond
 then driving the skid steer. the rest head inside as he and I stay outside
 and move to the lawnmower. He loves anything that might drive, next we sat  in the jetta :-)

 It was a very nice evening of food and family. After supper we went on a walk before the Paetz's headed home at 8. Kaylin had a wee nap while Sheldon watched golf and read his book while I updated the blog and Britt studied for a test. After Kaylin went home around 9, I unloaded the dishwasher, snapped storm photos and then went to read too. 
Around 9 the craziest storm rolled in, thunder, lightening and rain to the right and sun to the left with wild clouds above.
Coco is a huge chicken during storms, here she cuddles with the reader
and at 9:30 it was raining again with the sun still shining. All in all it was a very nice Father's day, hope everyone enjoyed it especially all  you fathers!!

Shaina got home from diploma prep at 10:30 then went to the bar till 2 am!! This child loves being 18, if only she could wait until tests are done.

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